Monday, May 25, 2015

What Your Business’ Social Media Profile Must Have

With the growing power of social media on everyone’s lives, it’s only natural to utilize this platform in reaching more of your target audience. Your presence on social media, however, isn’t as simple as setting up a profile and sharing your content. Optimizing your brand on social media begins with your profile, which should contain all of these elements.

It must have a link to your main website. Make sure that all your social profiles have links to your main website, which could help your users distinguish between official and unofficial profile pages.

It must have all relevant information. Just like on your website, your profile should provide users in a nutshell all information about your company and what sets you apart from your competitors, including details on how you can be reached.

It must have links to your other social media profiles. How will you let visitors know that you’re also on Twitter and Instagram? Aside from telling everyone about it, you can also include links to your other social media profiles, which can be done on Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+.

It must have a branded image. Your cover image is usually what visitors will see the first time they visit your profile page, and in some ways, it can also act as a billboard for your brand. You can take advantage of this feature by making your logo a prominent image on your social media profile to give you a good impression.

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